Russian Pavilion at "AGRITECHNICA 2017"


 (Hall № 11)

About the company PromAgro:



PromAgro is the company which delivers analogues of European tillage equipment being not inferior in reliability, efficiency and much cheaper to the market.

We manufacture disc harrows and cultivators under the following trademarks: Dominanta, Bulat, Master, Kedr, Olymp, Rubezh, Granit, and Kontur.

The company is constantly improving, developing and increasing the range of products for your needs. Our company manufactures machines worthy of your attention!

309295, the Russian Federation, Belgorod Oblast, Shebekino, Ul. Rzhevskoe Shosse 370.

Phone: +7 (47248) 3-15-19

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The company PromAgro: will present at the exhibition:


The heavy-duty mulching "Granite" stubble cultivator is fitted with a set of Mulch-Mix tines designed for deep loosening, mulching and compaction of soil. This unit is an import-substituting model - analog of Horsch Tiger LT. The cultivator allows performing soil cultivation to the depth up to 35 centimeters by cutting and compacting in one pass.

The cultivator has the system of the frame stabilization and contour following. All the models meet the transport requirements for the transport width - 3 meters.


 Dominanta disc harrow is the Russian assistant for the agricultural producers in their efforts to develop fallow lands covered with dense vegetation, to tillage the layer of perennial grasses, fields after corn and sunflower, high-stemmed crops, and also to cover high-growth siderates.

The design and mutual layout of the working tools allows processing heavy stony soils and fields with a large amount of plant residues. This implement is not inferior in quality of the make and quality of tillage of the imported analogue - Lemken Rubin. Among other advantages: it is much cheaper than the ones of competitors, which is of special significance in modern conditions.



The RUBEZH cultivator of the pre-sowing tillage (analogous to Koeckerling Allrounder) performs continuous tillage of soil to the depth up to 12 cm by combining cultivation, leveling and loosening in one pass in the field. V-shaped 200-mm wide tines create a finely cloddy structure during operation. The tines are arranged to completely ensure 100% cutting of weeds and form a uniform seed bed.

The system of the frame contour following ensures uniform tillage depth by all the cultivator working tools and contributes to the field leveling. The tandem rollers with a single row spring-loaded harrow perform soil compaction, clod breaking and leveling of the soil surface, and the harrow combs the cut weeds onto the surface and finally levels the soil by destroying the capillaries which reduce moisture evaporation.



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